The significant new research award is given to a researcher who has made a recent, significant contribution to the field of computer graphics and is new to the field (i.e., received their Ph.D. or the equivalent up to seven years ago). The intent is to recognize people who have already made a notable contribution very early in their careers and are likely to make more. The award includes a $1,000 cash prize.
- 2021 Jonathan Ragan-Kelley
- 2020 Alec Jacobson
- 2019 Wenzel Jakob
- 2018 Gordon Wetzstein
- 2017 Bernd Bickel
- 2016 Chris Wojtan
- 2015 Johannes Kopf
- 2014 Noah Snavely
- 2013 Niloy Mitra
- 2012 Karen Liu
- 2011 Olga Sorkine
- 2010 Alexei Efros
- 2009 Wojciech Matusik
- 2008 Maneesh Agrawala
- 2007 Ravi Ramamoorthi
- 2006 Takeo Igarashi
- 2005 Ron Fedkiw
- 2004 Zoran Popović
- 2003 Mathieu Desbrun
- 2002 Steven J. Gortler
- 2001 Paul E. Debevec
ACM SIGGRAPH members are encouraged to nominate individuals for the Significant New Researcher Award by sending an email to the Technical Awards Chair before 31 January.
Nominations should include:
- Name, address, phone number, and email address of the nominator
- Name and email address of the candidate
- Suggested citation (maximum of 25 words)
- Nomination statement (maximum of 500 words in length) addressing why the candidate should receive this award
Nominations should describe a candidate’s most significant research contribution and its impact. The Technical Awards Committee will use the nomination statements as the main basis for their selections. So a concise and clear statement is strongly encouraged.