Call for Nominations
ACM Transactions on Graphics
The term of the current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the ACM Transactions on Graphics coming to an end, and the ACM Publications Board has set up a nominating committee to assist the Board in selecting the next EiC. TOG was established in 1982 and has an impact factor from Thomson Reuters of 6.495 giving it the top ranking among all ACM Journals.
Nominations, including self-nominations, are invited for a three-year term as TOG EiC, beginning on September 15, 2021. The EiC appointment may be renewed at most one time. This is an entirely voluntary position, but ACM will provide appropriate administrative support.
Appointed by the ACM Publications Board, Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) of ACM journals are delegated full responsibility for the editorial management of the journal consistent with the journal’s charter and general ACM policies. The Board relies on EiCs to ensure that the content of the journal is of high quality and that the editorial review process is both timely and fair. The EiC has final say on acceptance of papers, size of the Editorial Board, and appointment of Associate Editors. A complete list of responsibilities is found in the ACM Volunteer Editors Position Descriptions. Additional information can be found in the following documents:
Nominations should include a vita along with a brief statement of why the nominee should be considered. Self-nominations are encouraged and should include a statement of the candidate’s vision for the future development of TOG and research publications in graphics more generally. The deadline for submitting nominations for full consideration is July 21, 2021, although nominations will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.
Please send all nominations to the nominating committee co-chairs, Jessica Hodgins (jkh@cmu.edu) and Etienne Vouga (evouga@cs.utexas.edu) with a subject line of “TOG EiC”.
The search committee members are
- Jessica Hodgins (Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook), Co-Chair
- Etienne Vouga (The University of Texas at Austin), Co-Chair
- Thabo Beeler (Google)
- Mirela Ben-Chen (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
- Alec Jacobson (University of Toronto)
- Taku Komura (Edinburgh University)
- Emily Whiting (Boston University)
- Kun Zhou (Zhejiang University)
- Louiqa Raschid (University of Maryland) will serve as the ACM Publications Board Liaison