ACM SIGGRAPH is managed by an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of nine elected Directors and two appointed members. The elected Directors are elected by the ACM SIGGRAPH membership and serve three-year terms. The Officers, Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect, are selected each year from the Directors with the duties described below. This means that new Directors may be asked to serve as one of the Officers.
Elections are conducted annually to fill open positions; this process is led by the chair of the Nominations Committee. All Directors are required to be members of ACM and ACM SIGGRAPH.
Nominations for the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee may be submitted in July of the year prior to the beginning of the position term. To submit a nomination, contact the ACM SIGGRAPH Nominations Committee Chair.
ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee Positions
SIGGRAPH’s mission is to nurture, champion, and connect researchers and practitioners of Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques. Members of the EC are primarily responsible for oversight and strategic planning for ACM SIGGRAPH. EC members also serve as liaisons to the ACM SIGGRAPH Standing Committees, lead strategy teams, and serve as representatives to the conference advisory groups for the SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences. They attend 3-4 physical meetings per year, including the annual SIGGRAPH Conference as well as regularly scheduled (on average two to three per week) teleconference meetings for the Executive Committee and various sub-committees. The average workload is around 6-10 hours per week. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the EC is currently not having physical meetings.
ACM SIGGRAPH Director: An ACM SIGGRAPH Director is a voting member of the Executive Committee who helps make decisions on behalf of ACM SIGGRAPH.
Expectations for all ACM SIGGRAPH EC members:
- Set the strategic direction for the organization to best support the community of researchers, practitioners, and artists working in computer and graphics and interactive techniques
- Promote technical and creative excellence, through taking an active role in the community as individuals
- Adhere to the cultural expectations of the organization (Scroll down the page to see the EC culture statement)
- Supervise the operational activities of the organization which include:
- Provide benefits for ACM SIGGRAPH members within the scope and financial resources of the organization
- Provide high-quality resources and programs (conferences, newsletters, etc.) within the scope of ACM SIGGRAPH’s mission statement
- Promote communication and interaction both within ACM SIGGRAPH and between ACM SIGGRAPH and the broader community
- Oversee conferences, symposia and workshops, both for quality and fiscal soundness
- Promote and publicize ACM SIGGRAPH achievements
Specific duties of Directors include:
- Take on two of the following jobs:
- Lead or actively participate in one of the five teams which are collectively responsible for the strategic work of the Executive Committee
- Act as a liaison to a group of 3-6 of the ACM SIGGRAPH Standing Committees
- Act as a liaison to one of the conference advisory groups (SIGGRAPH or SIGGRAPH Asia)
- Lead or actively participate in two calls/month for each of the groups selected from the above list
- Vote on important decisions affecting ACM SIGGRAPH strategy and operations
- Attend ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee meetings (both 3-4 in-person meetings per year and two hour-long calls/month)
More information about the ACM SIGGRAPH Executive Committee can be found in Section 2 and about the Standing Committees and Strategy Groups in Section 6 of the ACM SIGGRAPH Policy Guidelines.
Duties of the Officers: from the ACM SIGGRAPH Bylaws:
Article 5. Duties of the Officers
The EC shall select, from among its directors, a Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect who will fulfill the duties outlined below.
5.1 Chair. The duties of the Chair are:
- leading and managing ACM SIGGRAPH;
- calling and presiding at EC meetings; and
- conducting ACM SIGGRAPH’s activities in accordance with the policies of the ACM;
5.2 Chair-elect. The duties of the Chair-elect are:
- Assisting the Chair in leading and managing ACM SIGGRAPH; and
- presiding at meetings when the Chair is absent.
5.3 Treasurer. The duties of the Treasurer are:
- managing ACM SIGGRAPH’s finances according to the Financial
Accountability Policy of the ACM.
- reporting ACM SIGGRAPH’s finances to members at least once a year in ACM SIGGRAPH’s regular publications.
5.4 Treasurer-elect. The duties of the Treasurer-elect are:
- To shadow and assist the Treasurer in managing ACM
SIGGRAPH’s finances.
Election Timeline
Call for Nominations Posted
Nominations Committee conducts interviews at the annual SIGGRAPH conference. Further interviews are done after the Conference, if necessary.
Slate Presented to ACM
Candidate Statements Posted
Ballot posted
Election Results Announced
New Directors take office