November 2015
Sixth International Conference on Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces and CommunicabilityThe user interface is the environment par excellence where the latest breakthroughs in the formal and factual sciences converge. In the design of the current and future interactive systems, the presentation of the content on the screen is the key to the success of the rest of the components which make up an avant-garde computer science structure. Many conferences are focused on specific aspects of computer science, multimedia, education,…
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First International Conference on Research and Development in Imaging, Nanotechnology, Industrial Design and RoboticsIn the last years, a myriad of notions stemming from the sciences have been used in an incorrect way for mercantilist purposes. We have an example in the wide context of the user experience design, human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction, human-computer communication, human-computer interfaces, etc. with the notion of interdisciplinarity when in fact there are cases in which we should speak of transdisciplinarity or multidisciplinarity. Evidently three notions…
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