May 2015
Fifth International Symposium On Communicability, Computer Graphics And Innovative Design For Interactive SystemsCommunicability is the cornerstone for successful interactions between human beings and technology. During the technological (r)evolution in scientfic visualization, hypermedia online, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. (devices in which a huge part of humankind is immersed), there is an intersection of disciplines, both formal and factual sciences. The main goal of CCGIDIS is to improve the interaction process with these new technologies on a daily basis. Submission deadline:…
Find out more »May 2016
Sixth International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics And Innovative Design For Interactive SystemsCommunicability is the cornerstone for successful interaction between human beings and technology. The main goal of CCGIDIS is to improve human interaction with cutting-edge technologies. The 6th International Symposium on CCGIDIS will be centered around an exchange of experience, project work and theory. The discussion will be focused on – but not limited to – the following main topics: 3D Computer Vision Artificial Life Audio-Visual Communication Augmented Reality Biomedical…
Find out more »May 2017
Seventh International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive SystemsCommunicability is the cornerstone for the success of the interaction among human beings and the technology during this (r)evolution in scientfic visualization, hypermedia online, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc., devices in which a huge part of humankind is immersed. In these devices there is a convergence and intersection of disciplines deriving from the formal and factual sciences. The main goal is to improve the interaction process with the…
Find out more »May 2018
CCGIDIS 2018: 8th International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive SystemsCommunicability is the cornerstone for the success of the interaction among human beings and the technological (r)evolution in scientfic visualization, hypermedia online, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc., devices in which a huge part of humankind is immersed. In these devices there is a convergence and intersection of disciplines deriving from the formal and factual sciences. The main goal is to improve the interaction process with the…
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