Sharing the Magic Circle with Spatially Inclusive Games
Full Conference
One-Day Full Conference
Educators Paper
A discussion of innovative (capstone) projection environments at an IT and electrical engineering school. The overarching brief was to develop both more expansive and immersive viewing and playing environments. Game courses were used as a springboard to extend the students' creative and critical design thinking in relation to wider interaction-design issues. Imaginative combinations of game engines and peripherals were also used as initial prompters to encourage students to go beyond current game-theory definitions, explore how to increase the player's sense of embodiment, and transmit the player's gameplay experience to a wider audience. The resulting prototypes are being incorporated into future versions of CAVE UT to help educators develop more engaging and immersive interactive environments. Hopefully, the next version of CAVE UT will also allow players and audiences to share the so-called "magic circle."
Erik Champion
The University of New South Wales
Jeffrey Jacobson