Emerging Technologies: Synthesis - Toward A New Perception

All submissions to Emerging Technologies will be reviewed by a jury of industry, research, and academic professionals in the fields of display systems, computing, entertainment, design, systems engineering, interface devices, art, and related fields. In addition, Emerging Technologies reserves the right to curate selected work.

Proposals will be reviewed based upon the following criteria:

All acceptance decisions will be conditional. After the jury makes its acceptance decisions, every effort will be made to notify submitters of their status by early August. Contributors of conditionally accepted submissions will have two weeks to respond to the conditions of their acceptance. Finalized submissions will be due no later than 10 October 2008.

Upon Acceptance
If your submission is accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, an Acceptance Agreement will be produced from the Permissions section of your online submission form. You must print that agreement, sign it, and fax it or send it via postal or courier service before SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 to:

The Conference Programme Manager
Koelnmesse Pte Ltd
152 Beach Road
#25-05 Gateway East
Singapore 189721
Tel: +65 65006700
Fax: +65 6296 2771

If we do not receive your completed, signed Acceptance Agreement, your work cannot be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2008.

The acceptance agreement is a legal document. It explains the uses SIGGRAPH makes of presented material and requires you to acknowledge that you have permission to use this material. This may involve seeking clearance from your employer or from others who have loaned you material, such as videotapes and slides. The agreement helps prevent situations whereby SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 presentations include material without permission that might lead to complaints or even legal action. In addition, this agreement asks if ACM SIGGRAPH may use your materials for conference and organization promotional material in exchange for full author/artist credit information (which you may decline).

In addition, Emerging Technologies organizers must obtain signed SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Acceptance Agreements from ALL presenters (signature of parent or legal guardian is also required if contributor is under age 18). Presenters who have not submitted signed forms will not be allowed to present.

All presenters whose projects are accepted for Emerging Technologies must also agree to:

  • Pay for shipping their work to and from SIGGRAPH Asia 2008.
  • Submit a (possibly revised) abstract in a PDF file properly formatted for publication in the SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Conference Select CD-ROM and Full Conference DVD. For complete details on font, layout, and image requirements, and instructions for creating your PDF file, please see the publication guidelines for excellent examples.
  • Submit all required forms for registration, shipping, insurance, etc. by the due dates.
  • Coordinate shipment of all necessary equipment and supporting materials to the conference. SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 will not provide special assistance for transportation and assumes no responsibility for damaged or lost equipment while in transit.
  • Arrange and pay for insurance and shipping.
  • Have all projects fully operational and installed by noon, 10 December 2008.
  • Provide adequate operational and technical support personnel to maintain full operation of their projects for the four full days of the conference: 10-13 December 2008. Select Student Volunteers will be available to provide some additional operational support.
  • Accept responsibility for travel and lodging of all persons participating in their projects.
  • Dismantle and remove equipment on 13 December 2008 between 5 pm and midnight.